NEW – Roland TD 27 – “HIGH ENERGY” Presets for Modern Heavy Music
35,00 €
7 “High Energy” Preset for Heavy hitters
- 3 all around high energy kit
- Fat
- Dry
- Open
- 2 kits designed for modern Pop Punk or Punk Rock
- Premium Pop Punk
- High Energy Punk
- 1 Modern Hard Rock kit
- 1 kit designed for Modern Metal such as : Prog, Djent, Metalcore….
You can hear them on the right corner of the website –>
Disclaimer : don’t worry about the size of the file, it is light weight, and it’s totally normal. You will find 7 files.TD0
Format your SD card within your drum module
Download the zip files & Expand it to get the “.TD0” files. DO NOT RENAME THE KITS.
Place the kits (“.TD0”) into the kit file of your SD card (Roland>TD27>Kits)
Then you can import them ONLY 1 BY 1 on the SD card menu of your TD 27: System>SD Card> 1kit Load.
Then select the kit you want to upload within the SD card, YOU WILL HAVE TO SCROLL UNTIL YOU FIND THE KIT NUMBER AS THEY ARE WRITTEN WITHIN THE SD CARD (Ex, kit name contain 10, so scroll until 10), and select the destination (kit number) you want the preset to be uploaded (be careful any kit already present at the selected number will be erased). Press Load, then OK. And you’re good to go!
–> If you have any trouble : Do it again! 🙂 (seriously, sometimes the formatting part doesn’t work on the first time…)
–> If you still have any trouble :
–> Please let me know your experience with my presets I would love to hear it.
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